The keys to hiring the most suitable mortgage to our profile
The majority of citizens believe that more than 20% of the sale price must be contributed, that loans at variable rates are cheaper and that the determining factor is the differential
The majority of citizens believe that more than 20% of the sale price must be contributed, that loans at variable rates are cheaper and that the determining factor is the differential
The latest economic crisis has revolutionized the mortgage market. And consumers now seem much more cautious when it comes to hiring a credit of these characteristics. This is ensured by the latest report by Idealista, which says that Spaniards "show, in many cases, correct knowledge about the operation of this type of loan".
Most, in general, believes that more than 20% of the sale price must be provided, that variable mortgages are cheaper and that the determining factor is the differential. But there are nuances.
For example, two out of three Spaniards believe that to cope with the purchase of a home on the basis of a mortgage loan, savings of more than 20% of the purchase price are necessary. 26.3% consider that providing between 10% and 20% of this price would be sufficient, while only 3% believe that it should contribute less than 10% of the value.
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